Does Nearsightedness or Farsightedness Improve With Age?

Nearsightedness and farsightedness are common eye diseases that result in blurry vision at different distances. Those with nearsightedness have difficulty seeing objects far away, while those with farsightedness see nearby objects as blurry. Fortunately, the optometry team at Urias Eyecare in Midland, TX, can treat these refractive errors with prescription lenses. However, many people wonder if nearsightedness and farsightedness improve with age. We are here to tell you more about these conditions and how aging impacts them.

What Causes Nearsightedness and Farsightedness?

Nearsightedness and farsightedness occur when the shape of the cornea or lens causes the light that enters your eyes to bend or refract incorrectly. Usually, your eye focuses light directly on the retina at the back of the eye. Nearsightedness occurs when the light comes into focus in front of the retina, while farsightedness means the light focuses behind the retina. Our optometrist can remedy these issues with prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses.

How Aging Impacts These Refractive Errors

Nearsightedness commonly runs in families and reveals itself during childhood or growth spurts. This condition often worsens gradually as children age until stabilizing when people reach their early 20s. However, nearsightedness can progress in some people until they reach 40. Generally, nearsightedness is a lifelong condition that requires corrective lenses to treat.

Unlike nearsightedness, farsightedness can sometimes improve with age in children. This improvement occurs when the child’s eyes grow and their eyeball shape changes. However, these changes stop once a person reaches adulthood. Adults over 40 tend to have worsening farsightedness, called presbyopia. This condition occurs when the lenses in your eyes stiffen due to aging. People with presbyopia often require specific lenses to see reading material and other fine print up close.

Visit Your Optometrist Near You in Midland, TX, to Protect Your Eyesight

Whether you are struggling with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or another eye and vision issue, consider contacting your “optometrist near you” at Urias Eyecare in Midland, TX, for treatment. Our optometry team can evaluate your eyes and prescribe corrective lenses to restore your visual clarity, so call us and schedule an appointment today at (432) 368-4102.

Contact us to request an appointment today.


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    - The Harrison Family

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