
Presbyopia can cause blurry vision and lead to headaches, which can make it difficult to accomplish certain daily tasks. At Urias Eyecare in Midland, TX, we provide eye exams to learn more about your condition and treatment to preserve your vision. Before visiting us, learn more about presbyopia below:


What Is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia is a common refractive error in older adults. It makes it difficult to see objects clearly up close, which is why many turn to reading glasses. However, presbyopia is not the same as hyperopia, also known as farsightedness. While both involve difficulty seeing up close, hyperopia causes light that enters the eye to fall behind the retina since the cornea is too flat or the eyeball is too short. Presbyopia also occurs due to the light not falling on the retina. However, it happens when the lens of the eye loses flexibility from vision changes as we age.

Symptoms of Presbyopia

If you have presbyopia, you may exhibit various symptoms. Some common symptoms of this condition include:

•             Blurry vision when looking at objects up close, such as menus and books

•             Having to hold materials away from the eyes to read them or focus on them

•             Headaches

•             Eyestrain

Each of these symptoms can be caused by other issues. For example, eyestrain can be due to excessive device usage, while difficulty seeing items that are close can be caused by farsightedness. The difference is typically that presbyopia symptoms begin around the age of 45 and continue to worsen until about the age of 65. In order to receive a proper diagnosis, we recommend visiting our optometrist for an eye exam.

Treatment for Presbyopia

Since presbyopia is typically caused by aging, it cannot be reversed. However, treatments are available and it can be slowed with lifestyle changes. Our optometrist may recommend to choose large-print material for reading and increasing the size of devices. Using brighter lights in your home can also be beneficial.

While you can pick up a set of reading glasses just about anywhere, it’s typically better to let our eye doctor provide you with them. There could be other issues present contributing to your blurry vision and one eye might see better than the other. After an eye exam, we can provide you with eyeglasses or contact lenses that can provide you with a sharper vision.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

If you have symptoms of presbyopia that are affecting your daily life, let our team at Urias Eyecare in Midland, TX, help. We will develop a personalized treatment plan that will reduce your symptoms and vision loss. To schedule your appointment, contact our office at (432) 368-4102 today. When you’re seeking an optometrist near me, we look forward to assisting you!

Contact us to request an appointment today.

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