
Understanding Myopia and How We Treat It

Do you find yourself squinting to see objects at a distance? You may have a refractive error known as myopia, better known as nearsightedness. This vision problem makes seeing objects further away from you challenging. Our optometrist at Urias Eyecare in Midland, TX, can diagnose nearsightedness and help you find ways to correct your vision. We are here to tell you the signs and causes of nearsightedness and how we can treat it.


Signs of Myopia

Being nearsighted means you can see objects up close clearly but have blurry vision at far distances. While squinting may help you temporarily see clearly, it can lead to eye strain and headaches. Children who have myopia may excessively blink, sit close to TVs or screens to see, or frequently rub their eyes. Having myopia can affect your ability to drive since you may not be able to read signs or see traffic in the distance. Nearsightedness can also interfere with other regular activities and hobbies.

Causes of Myopia

Having an oval-shaped eye or an eye longer than usual can result in myopia. Your eye shape affects how light refracts or bends when entering your eye. Light focuses in front of your retina rather than behind it, causing you to view objects far away as blurry. Having a family history of myopia can raise your risk of being nearsighted. Other risk factors may include spending prolonged periods doing activities up close, such as reading, or getting too much screen time.

Myopia Diagnosis

Routine eye exams by your optometrist are the most effective way to determine if you have myopia. Your optometrist can use visual acuity tests during this exam to show how sharp your eyesight is at near and far distances. You may also do an eye chart test to find the correct prescription for your visual needs. Our eye doctor may dilate your pupils to examine the inner structures of your eye for a more accurate diagnosis if necessary.

Treatment Options for Myopia

The most frequent treatment option for myopia is wearing corrective lenses. These prescription lenses allow you to see clearly at far distances and significantly improve your vision. Your optometrist can prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct your refractive vision error. LASIK surgery is another treatment option if you do not want to wear corrective lenses. We offer pre-op counseling for LASIK and post-op care if you decide to undergo this procedure.

Visit Our Optometrist in Midland, TX, for Nearsightedness Correction Today

Myopia can significantly impact your visual ability and make driving or enjoying hobbies challenging if you do not correct it, so contact Urias Eyecare in Midland, TX, to get the vision correction needed to enjoy your life again. Our services include eye exams, corrective lenses, and pre- and post-operative care for LASIK surgery. Call us and schedule an eye exam today at (432) 368-4102 to protect your eye and vision health.

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